Tag Archives: mr. cockrobin

Pleased To Meet You: Mr. COCKROBIN

If, for whatever confused reason, you feel you need to appear on this blog in order to boost you’re popularity, let me tell you a secret way to definitely earn you’re way onto these hallowed WordPress pages. I’m a sucker for indie-pop. If it sounds vaguely twee and isn’t completely off-putting, it has a 95 percent chance of being written about. I’m a big shy sissy, so this type of sunny music appeals to me in ways a lot of other sounds won’t. Hit up my e-mail in the about page!

You don’t even need fully formed songs…poorly named outfit Mr. COCKROBIN (emphasis by them) only have a few demos and snippets from, I guess, an album on their MySpace. These are REALLY TWEE samples, though. I’m talking twinkly guitar-driven melodies and horns. “Coffee Cup” is almost too cute for it’s own good, but the generally happy sappy tone never gets too unbearable. “Piece,” meanwhile, plows forward as much as an indie-pop song can, hardly original but totally lovable. There is a lot to dig through there, but it’s all worth taking a listen to. Plus now you know the secret to Make Believe Melodie’s heart! Please think of a better band name though.